Omari Hardwick: #MCM

Quick Facts:
Government Name: Omari Hardwick
B.DAY: January 9, 1974
1. Originally moved to San Diego to play in the NFL for the Chargers until a knee injury occurredā€¦inspiring him to move back to NYC to pursue his acting career.
2. Hardwick has an after school program Blueapple Poetry 
3. Omari is Capricorn (like "TGs, Jade :))

Find this sexy hunk of a man on the big screen in some of these flicks below. Oh, and ladies, Netflix has us covered on most of theseā€¦if, ya know, you're just sitting around and want to see a beautiful smile and a body that's been blessed by the Gods 10x :))

The Last Letter
 Breakout Kings
Being Mary Jane
ā€œHeā€™s truly the darkest character Iā€™ve ever played, and the most complex,ā€ says Hardwick.
For Colored Girls
Love Life
BAD NEWS (well for the SINGLE gyalss): Omair is HAPPILY married with one little monster, lol. Jennifer (Jae) Pfautch and Hardwick wed back in 2012.
When asked about his workout in an interview with BET Network, Hardwick explained; "I switch it up so much to trick my body. I'm doing Bikram yoga this week, but I take a lot of boxing classes. I also do sprints in the pool, a lot of hiking, sprinting up hills, meditation, and isometric work where I'm able to engage my core. I also play basketball when I can. My secret is drinking a lot of water, especially when I'm working."
SORRY, We had to :)
Music Videos Features
Melanie Fiona 
Wrong Side of Love
You Make Me Wanna
Estelle ft. Rick Ross
Break My Heart
Poetry Network
Omari is not only a physically beautiful man; he does a lot for the community (especially, for the creative minds). 

"The Omari Hardwick bluapple Poetry Network is a multifaceted, after-school spoken word poetry program available FREE to students attending Broward County public high schools and middle schools. It is the latest collaboration between the Jason Taylor Foundation and the School board of Broward Countyā€™s Diversity, Cultural and Prevention Department." (

VISIT his website to discover EVEN MORE about Omari Hardwick and what he has to offer the world. We hope you enjoyed the post per usual. Have a sweet & sassy day girlss!!! Seeā€¦we told you Mondayz aren't sooooooo bad :))


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